Words with Feet

"And in every place she abandons she leaves something vital, it seems to me, and starts her new life somewhat less encrusted, like a lobster that has shed its skin and is for a time soft and vulnerable."

- E.B. White

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Location: Washington, DC

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Carmen Sandiego

I do exist, I promise.

Most recently, I've been existing in England, Norway, and Italy. And then on Sunday, I'm off to the Fulbright mid-year conference. So I've been a bit neglegent in my blogging lately. Sorry about that.

In the meantime, while I come up with a concise version of everything since Christmas, you can take a look at my travel pictures at http://community.webshots.com/user/serendipityjdg.

Here's a sample:
(That's Stratford-upon-Avon)
(Psychotically steep ski slope in Norway)

(And the Ponte Vecchio)