Words with Feet

"And in every place she abandons she leaves something vital, it seems to me, and starts her new life somewhat less encrusted, like a lobster that has shed its skin and is for a time soft and vulnerable."

- E.B. White

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Location: Washington, DC

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Carmen Sandiego

I do exist, I promise.

Most recently, I've been existing in England, Norway, and Italy. And then on Sunday, I'm off to the Fulbright mid-year conference. So I've been a bit neglegent in my blogging lately. Sorry about that.

In the meantime, while I come up with a concise version of everything since Christmas, you can take a look at my travel pictures at http://community.webshots.com/user/serendipityjdg.

Here's a sample:
(That's Stratford-upon-Avon)
(Psychotically steep ski slope in Norway)

(And the Ponte Vecchio)


Blogger Colleen said...

I was wondering what sort of exciting adventures you've been having lately and you've left us hanging for almost too months...hope all the non-Americaness is treating you well, you're under orders to update this more often :)

7:50 PM  
Blogger Justin Calderon said...

Hey Jen,

I second what Colleen said. It's best to keep up writing even though traveling might get the best of you. Before you know it you'll be back in America and everything will suck again...

Tell me about Norway!


9:50 PM  
Blogger Just Another Jen said...

Well, I *have* been writing - oodles, actually - just not on this thing.

But I'll be better, especially now that the term is starting and I'll have frequent internet access...

Hope things are well (with both of you) stateside!

1:44 AM  

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